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EN: This two-piece set has red finishes and an excellent mix between lightness and impact. It is a crepe dress and a tergal jacket, it has been one of my favorites this year. It excellently expresses my style and that combination that I love between strength and elegance. Made with print from Portugal.


IT: This set of due pieces has finished rosse and an ottimo mix between leggerezza and impatto. È an abito in crepe and a giacca in tergal, this is one of my favorites from quest'anno. Esprime in eccellente way il mio style and quel connubio che amo tra force ed elegance. Realized with stampa dal Portogallo.


EN: This two-piece set has red finishes and an excellent mix between lightness and impact. It is a crepe dress and a tergal jacket, it has been one of my favorites this year. It excellently expresses my style and that combination that I love between strength and elegance. Made with print from Portugal.


FR: Cet ensemble deux pièces a des finitions rouges et un excellent mélange entre légèreté et impact. C'est une robe in crêpe and une veste in tergal, elle a été l'une de mes préférées cette année. Il expresses parfaitement mon style et cette combinaison que j'aime entre force et élégance. I made avec des imprimés du Portugal.


JA: Kono tsūpīsusetto wa, akai shiage to karu-sa to inpakuto not sugureta mikkusu or sonaete imasu. Kurēpuwanpīsu to tāgarujaketto de, kotoshi wa watashinōkiniiri no hitotsudesu. Sore wa watashi no sutairu to watashi ga tsuyo-sa to yūga-sa no ma by aisuru sono kumiawase or umaku hyōgen shite imasu. Porutogaru kara no purinto from tsukura remashita.


このツーピースセットは,赤い仕上げと軽さとインパクトの優れたミックスを備えています.クレープワンピースとターガルジャケットで,今年は私のお気に入りのひとつです.それは私のスタイルと私が強さと優雅さの間で 愛 す る そ の 組 み 合 わ せ を う ま く 表現 し て い ま す。ポ ル ト ガ ル か ら の プ リ ン ト で 作 ら れ ま し た。


# Hauteàporter #JehselLau #MexicanCouture #ZeroWaste #Hauteaporter #MexiCouture # Hauteâporter

Oriental flower print set

Excluding Sales Tax
Out of Stock

T alla MX | Taglia IT  | Taille Fr | Sizes US | Size UK | Nihon 日本 |

Size Mexico 26 28 30 32 3. 4 36 38
Taglia Italy 38 40 42 44 46 48 fifty
France tailles 3. 4 36 38 40 42 44 46
US sizes















UK sizes 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Nihon no saizu 

日本 の サ イ ズ

7 9 eleven 13 fifteen 17 19

IN:  If you don't know what size fits  you. You  can visit the following link to get your measurements and select your size.

ITEM:  Se non sai che  Taglia sei, puoi will visit the next link to ottenere you misure and select your taglia.

EN: If you don't know what size you are, you can visit the following link to get your measurements and select your size. 

FR:  Si vous ne savez pas quelle est  Votre taille, vous pouvez visiter the lien suivant to obtain your measurements et selectionner votre taille.

JA:  Saizu ga wakaranai baai wa, -ji no rinku nor akusesu shite sokutei-chi or shutoku shi, saizu or sentaku shite kudasai. サ イ ズ が わ か ら な い 場合 は 、 次 の リ ン ク に ア ク セ ス し て 測定 値 を 取得 し 、 サ イ ズ を 選 択 し て く だ さ い。

Table of Measurements for the different sizes - In Centimeters | Tabella delle misure nelle diverse taglie - In centimetri | Tableau des mesures dans les different tailles - In centimètres | Table of Measurements for the Different sizes - In centimeters | Samazamana saizu no sokutei tēburu - Senchimētoru tan'i

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