IN: Two-piece beach suit, a #musthaveswimwear. Ideal for girls who like a high-waisted and covering panties! This design is part of a collection of 100 piece edition limited to only three exact replicas
ITEM: Costume da spiaggia due pezzi, a #musthaveswimwear. Ideale for the ragazze that hand you change to vita alta and coprenti! This is part of a collection of 100 pieces in an edition limited to only three replicas.
IT IS: Two-piece beach suit, a #musthaveswimwear. Ideal for girls who like a high-waisted and covering panties! This design is part of a collection of 100 pieces limited edition only three exact replicas.
FR: Costume de plage deux pièces, a #musthaveswimwear. Idéal pour les filles qui aiment une culotte taille haute et couvrante! Cette conception fait partie d'une collection of 100 pieces in edition limited to seulement trois replicas exact
JA: Tsūpīsu no bīchisūtsu, # musthaveswimwear. Hai uesuto de kabā suru pantī ga sukina on'nanoko ni saiteki! Kono dezain wa, 3ttsu no seikakuna repurika nomi ni gentei sa challenges 100 pīsuedishon no korekushon no ichibudesu.
ツ ー ピ ー ス の ビ ー チ ス ー ツ, # musthaveswimwear. ハ イ ウ エ ス ト で カ バ ー す る パ ン テ ィ ー が 好 き な 女 の 子 に 最適! こ の デ ザ イ ン は 3 つ の 正確 な レ プ リ カ の み に 限定 さ れ た 100 ピ ー ス エ デ ィ シ ョ ン の コ レ ク シ ョ ン の 一部 で す.
# Hauteàporter #JehselLau #MexicanCouture #ZeroWaste #Hauteaporter #MexiCouture # Hauteâporter
Sports Two Piece Swimsuit
T alla MX | Taglia IT | Taille Fr | Sizes US | Size UK | Nihon 日本 |
MX | 26 | 28 | 30 | 32 | 3. 4 | 36 | 38 |
ITEM | 38 | 40 | 42 | 44 | 46 | 48 | fifty |
FR | 3. 4 | 36 | 38 | 40 | 42 | 44 | 46 |
US | 2 XS | 4 S | 6 M | 8 ML | 10 L | 12 XL | 14 XXL |
UK | 6 | 8 | 10 | 12 | 14 | 16 | 18 |
HA | 7 | 9 | eleven | 13 | fifteen | 17 | 19 |
IN: If you don't know what size fits you. You can visit the following link to get your measurements and select your size.
ITEM: Se non sai che Taglia sei, puoi will visit the next link to ottenere you misure and select your taglia.
IT IS: If you don't know what size you are, you can visit the following link to get your measurements and select your size.
FR: Si vous ne savez pas quelle est Votre taille, vous pouvez visiter the lien suivant to obtain your measurements et selectionner votre taille.
JA: Saizu ga wakaranai baai wa, -ji no rinku nor akusesu shite sokutei-chi or shutoku shi, saizu or sentaku shite kudasai. サ イ ズ が わ か ら な い 場合 は 、 次 の リ ン ク に ア ク セ ス し て 測定 値 を 取得 し 、 サ イ ズ を 選 択 し て く だ さ い。
Table of Measurements for the different sizes - In Centimeters | Tabella delle misure nelle diverse taglie - In centimetri | Tableau des mesures dans les different tailles - In centimètres | Table of Measurements for the Different sizes - In centimeters | Samazamana saizu no sokutei tēburu - Senchimētoru tan'i